Monday, March 29, 2010

Thief - Rent's Due The Game [working title] gametype.

Ok so me and my coder Pieter "pufje" have decided on the type of game we are going to make. It will be a birdseye view round based stealth shooter. The game will probably not relate much to the animation but more to the actual thief games. We will try to make the experiance as similar to the real games as possible. Flash adaptations of real games have great potential for a re-lived experiance and lots of fun, the flash version of the popular portal game was fantastic and hopefully it will be the same for ours. Holidays start in two days and after that I will be able to work on these projects full time for about two weeks. I should have the first scene/sketch of lolpredators finished sometime next week and up on my blog for your reviews so keep checking back every now and then.


  1. alright!
    looking forward to lolpredators.

    Also I got a good part of our prototype ready :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing what you do with this.

  3. will it be like an endless war game cuz u could switch arrow types with the number keys keys move with wasd and shoot with mouse maybe u could have some sort of close quarters combat deal when some body gets to close to u while u have the knife equipped

  4. Its not going to be like assassins creed, its a stealth focused game. The objective is to get in, grab the loot, and get out without being detected. The arrows and other gadgets are designed to help you stay hidden while there will be a few weapons so you can fight your way out if you get spotted.

  5. quan que vai ter o jogo?
