Saturday, September 25, 2010

Big 3D Update

I've been working hard on my 3D project, especially since all my models are due in two weeks :S

I have finished a basic version of my robot, which I will upgrade if I have time, and also a hallway where some action takes place.

And here is an animation test for my robot. I just added a motion capture animation so a few of the limbs pop out and stuff but I wont have that problem when I animate it myself.

EDIT: Also for those who want to watch my stickpage tournament entries will have to wait a bit. The organiser of the competition is very sick and it will take some time for him to release the animations. I will definitely be announcing it here when they are finally released so keep checking back.

Monday, September 20, 2010

3D Modelling - Arms + Hands

Here is my first attempt at modelling my robot characters arms and hands. He has a gun and power pack on his left arm and a laser cutter on his right.

Friday, September 10, 2010

3D Modelling - Robot Body

I haven't had much time to work on anything lately but today I knuckled down and made the body for my robot character. It's not final but its pretty close. I will probably add more detail to the back.