Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Thief - Rents Due" The Game?

Me and the coder behind thief - rents due (Pieter "Pufje") are considering making a thief - rents due game. All I can say at this point is we are both just throwing around ideas at this point. Feel free to give me your own ideas if you think you have a good one.


  1. Are either of you familiar with the Thief: Deadly Shadows mobile-phone game?
    Regardless, I'm only worried about what you cannot do, more than what you can. I would expect a lot of suggestions will hope for things too complex to pull off, and if they aren't too complex for your skills, and you make a game that not only isn't overly simple, but also a lot of fun, you could be making money if you could come up with your own IP!

  2. Yeh my thoughts exactly. Even if your ideas may seem complicated I would still love to hear them. In the end the game will probably be pretty simple but every idea helps.
    The mobile thief game looks interesting. It is possible to do a good side scrolling stealth game I think.
    Also, what do you mean I could be making money if I come up with my own IP? You mean make my own website or something?

  3. Interesting plan?
    Indie project?
    Incredibly playable?
    Internet protocol?
    I pwn?

  4. hey y dont u make it a multiplayer game

  5. That would probably be really difficult and also thief (the game which the animation is based off) is not a not multiplayer game.

  6. i wanted to make thief 2d fangame
    but not flash vershun

    with that. its easy as pie making somthing there, but no browser embedding or multiplayer.

    but u might get pwned by eidos, its not legal to make fan games :D

  7. well its illegal if I make money off the game but otherwise Its just good publicity for them, so I think they wont mind too much.

  8. omg- whoever did your intro story cinematic is a moron- long, boring, and most important, no skip button. soon as it finished I closed the browser- because if this is your definition of 'interesting' I assume gameplay is just more of the same. thanks for nothing

  9. Lol calm down, if you dont have the patients to sit through a 30 second intro that is an iconic part of the real games then I would assume you have some sort of attention dissorder. You can always give constructive feedback but abusive comments don't do anybody any good. All you have succeeded by posting this comment was making yourself look like a short tempered prick (which you probably are if you get this upset over an intro).

  10. Well i don't know about you, but a idea for the game would be to choose your status (int stgh e.t.c.) so you can have both combat and bow attcks. also scrolling changes wpns (bow knife hands ) and the well known movement buttons: wasd and [space] for jump. For the bow have about 10 water,10 fire and 5 poison arrows, and allot normal arrows(not infitive)and it so goes on. To have a hook, so you can climb up on higher places, and you own desision: fight or steal.Then, to have money and levels, ranks for each mission (A B C D E F ) and the money definetly does not getting erased from better roberies and stuff, the money you took, the money you have.When you try to steel a castle have a choise: from the door as a liar, or cloimb up the wals.
    Have levels of fame, like "look! he tried to steal Someone and he failed! what a loser!" or "Hes cool! he even made to steal a whole catsle!" and to have the choise to be a hired thief. Thats the basic part that the fame counts! if you have, e.g. 70%fame you get paid the 30% of the roberie and 1000coins but if you have 10%fame, u ll get the 4-5% of the roberie and 50 coins.
    Also, when you are out on town to by stuff, you should wach for cops, or stuff like these. (i know i realy overdid it 0.0)

  11. woh, getting a bit complicated there stick rockz. If there is going ot be a game its going to be very simple, while still fun. No percentages, stats, etc... Just run around and steal stuff and at the ed you buy new weapons. There will e tons of story in it aswell.

  12. ok anyway.. (this was a bit big for a game right?) sorry for too many ideas, just was thriled with the idea of the game!(im the guy from stickpage :P)
