Sunday, December 19, 2010

2nd Place!!!

Hi all,
If you've been following my blog you'll see that I entered in an animation competition which ran over a three month period. I put in a lot of hard work and won second place which is much better than I expected. The prize was $300 which I spent way to quickly :P

The animations that were entered into the competition should have been put up on the frontpage by now but there seems to be some delay. I'll make sure to post when it does turn up.

Also, I was working on a parody of the predator movies when I started this blog in march this year but have had several interruptions and have lost interest, I plan to attach the unfinished cartoon with my next animation whatever that is so look out for that.


  1. Congratulations! That's definitely more than a consolation or runners-up award. They saw what counted most. Thanks for the follow-up news about LOLPredators.
