Monday, June 7, 2010

Round 2 - Stickpage Tournament

So round 1 has ended of the tournament and round 2 has begun. I dont know my score yet because not all the judges have watched the animations but I should be getting the results soon. Round 2 is based around a Samurai/Ninja setting and the basic story is a servant steals his masters sword and goes of a rampage :P

I went all out last round and I think I'm going to slow down this time and make something a little simpler and shorter. Here is a look at my samurai sword. Ive storyboarded 10 seconds of animation already.

After this tournament I'll finish my lolpredators animation (which I havent had time to work on) and then I'm not going to animate stickfigures anymore.


  1. That's great!

    I guess there's no way to see the finished products before the end of the contest right?

    Anyway, I haven't been working on the game so much recently because I'm having some other things to take care of :(

    Also I'm using Adobe Flash CS5 now which has an improved actions script editor with code-hinting and completion so lucky me for more efficient coding :)

  2. They'll be releasing all the entries in one collabration animation soon.

    Still cant wait to see the prototype game :P

  3. Well Mr paul, i thought it would be great iff you would leave help you with a couple details with the sword... iff you want aff course :)

  4. This sword, isn't an actual katana sword. The point, doesn't have kissaki (kissaki is the line between the blade and the point) it misses hamon (the line that USUALY the real tamahagane sword had) it looks like an shobou zukuri (no line at the kissaki ) now got it? :p

  5. I dont really care about it being entirely correct, it is a cartoon. I think your getting a bit overboard lol. I just searched samurai sword in google, grabed an image and traced it.

  6. .... Idk, i just stuck in every litle thing... Perhaps it has no sence but... idk.... i just stuck

  7. If he doesn't know much about something, he thinks the other person is "over-thinking", when it's no effort at all to express what one already just knows. You will never know when he will not want your input until it's too late.

  8. Awww c'mon. Regardless if I knew what a kissaki was It would still seem a bit over the top. The audience most likely will not know the difference between that and an shobou zukuri lol. When you were giving me feedback for Rent's due I knew what you were talking about, but I just didnt want to put effort into things that no one would notice. I make sure what ever I do is useful and if it is a waste of time, unless its for my own personal satifaction, I cut it.
